Florida Atlantic Research Cores Internal PILOT (RCIP) Program

Announcement / Guidelines

Florida Atlantic Research Cores Internal Pilot (RCIP) Program

The Florida Atlantic Research Cores announces the Florida Atlantic Research Cores Internal Pilot (RCIP) Program. The purpose of this program is to provide investigators the access to Florida Atlantic Research Core services for projects that have the potential of being externally funded. Supported by the Florida Atlantic Division of Research, this program will offer pilot awards in the amounts ranging from $500 to $5,000 for use at any of the current Florida Atlantic Research Cores listed on the website.


Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until funding runs out. The amount of funding available each fiscal year is based on the availability of budget. Applications will only be considered in the fiscal year submitted. Principal investigators (PIs) whose proposals are not selected may resubmit their proposals in a following FY. The number and value of awards made under this program will depend on the quality and needs of submissions received. Acceptance of this pilot award means the PI will commit to using the funds by the time specified. More than one research core can be included in the application. Awards may only be used for services provided by the Florida Atlantic Research Cores mentioned in this announcement. Any other expenses required for the project must be supported by other funding sources. Applications are limited to one per investigator.

How to Apply:

The application packet will consist of the following, using a format of 11-point font, single-spaced text and half-inch margins.

  • A proposal (maximum of two pages) submitted by the deadline. It is encouraged that the research topic should be related to one of our Florida Atlantic Research Institutes.
    • The proposal should list core facility/instruments that will be used, approximate numbers of hours/services that will be required, participating personnel, total dollar amount needed and a timeline for use of the facility. Contact the core manager for this information. The core contact information can be found on the Florida Atlantic Research Cores website.
    • The proposal should have sufficient technical details and a plan for how the resulting preliminary or supporting data ties into an anticipated proposal seeking external funding.
  • Current and pending
  • Quote from core manager
  • Completed Florida Atlantic RCIP project questionnaire.

Send all completed documents to the Florida Atlantic Research Cores program via email at Researchcores@madorders.com

Terms and Conditions

Florida Atlantic Research Cores Internal Pilot (RCIP) Project Questionnaire